Well, today has been a bittersweet day for me. A year ago today we learned that we were indeed having a miscarriage. The Lord decided that our little baby needed to stay in Heaven with him. It was such a hard and confusing time. But, it was a journey that He allowed us to go on. And even though it wasn't easy, we definitely embraced the journey. So, today I spent a lot of time thinking about our little angel baby that's up there in Heaven and wondering if they were a boy or a girl. Not only one angel baby, but, we have two angel babies up in Heaven. Yes, I did shed some tears last night and today. Even though it is much easier now than last year, it still was my baby that I never got to meet and so you still grieve for that precious little angel. Josh has been so supportive of me today. As have many friends who really gave words of encouragement today.

But, on the brighter side, I also thought about what a difference a year makes. Last year we were mourning the loss of our baby. And now a year later we are rejoicing in the fact that in 4 months we will have our little princess Lacey joining our family. We feel so unbelievably blessed that the Lord would allow us this opportunity. It's all still so surreal. I've been reading a book called "Praying Through Your Pregnancy" and it has been such a blessing to me this pregnancy. I have definitely been praying for our little girl. Not only that she will be healthy, but, that God would bless her even in the womb. And that she would grow up loving the Lord and using her life to spread His love. This is our little miracle and I KNOW the Lord has BIG plans for her!
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