I am at work today. I came in at 3pm and will work until 7 am. I am really hoping that it will not be a busy night. Nobody else fall off your roof and break a hip putting up Christmas lights, we already have one of those on for tomorrow. I wish I could say I am feeling better but I actually feel worse. I am tired of hearing myself complain. I woke up at 2 am last night with the worst ear pain I have ever felt. Really?! What now? It kept me awake for more than 2 hours and I kept trey awake too with my tossing and turning. I took advil and an hour later took the robutussin with codeine that the doctor gave me for my severe cough. It helped finally and I was able to sleep. My ear has killed me all day. I feel like I have 14 cotton balls stuffed in my ear too. It hurts to burp, cough, hiccup, eat..... good grief! I went down to see and ER doc when I got here just to make sure I didn't perforate my ear drum blowing my nose. He said there was just a ton of fluid behind the ear drum. Now I know how my patients feel who come for ear tubes, especially the little babies and kids. No wonder they are miserable! So this is probably now a full blown sinus infection. None of the antibiotics seem to be helping....so I guess time is the only cure....which I never have enough of. I really wanted to ask someone else to work for me this weekend but I really want and need next week off. I want to spend some much needed time with my kids and put up some Christmas cheer ....and rest too some where in there. So I will just have to grin and bear it. I just took advil and aleve, my liver loves me, and I hope the piercing pain will at least leave me for a while. Here's to hoping.....
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