It is just a few days left until New Year's Eve and I still can not decide what I want to do. The guys are going to be in Virginia and I would love to go and Jon really wants me to go. However, there are two little boys that I can not stand the thoughts of being without. Allison and Megan are riding up with the guys and have said they would help me if I decide to go, but a 5 hour drive with a 3 year old and a 4 month old may not be such a good idea. If Jon and I were going by ourselves then that might be another story, but we will be traveling with several people and I would not want me and the boys to be a burden on anyone. On the other hand, I think it would be a lot of fun and I can not remember the last time Jon and I got to spend a New Year's together. Before Jayce was born I traveled a lot with the band, but since his birth my traveling days have become numbered. So..... a decision has yet to be made.
1 Response
  1. akaMommy Says:

    Go Go Go Go GO!!!!!!
    Totally think you should get family to take care of those sweet boys and spend the weekend with your honey.

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