Welcome to the brand new Echoing Angels wive's page! Thanks for joining us. We truly are excited to start sharing our lives with you. I think you'll be surprised at what all goes on when the band is gone...we truly are the "real angels" because we keep the world turning when they are on the road. Most of you might be surprised to know that even with 2 top ten hits on the Christian music charts, we all still have to work. And the guys all have part time jobs/ gigs they do when they are home to make ends meet. And no, we don't have nannys. I get surprised looks all the time by people who think we should all be able to stay at home and travel with them. So there is A LOT that goes on when we are functioning alone, so we thought you might like reading about it, maybe giving us some advice or encouragement, or just to laugh at all the insane moments that happen along the way. That being said, all the wives are united in the role we have. We are all so blessed to be on this journey with EA. God has given them a talent and a purpose. They have the phenomenal responsibility given to them by our Great God to share His love and message with the world. And we know that we have been called to stand by them and support them until that call is over. God has blessed us all with jobs that support our families and the musical journey...and for those of us with children, we are blessed with saintly grandparents nearby to help. When I look ahead, I get overwhelmed at the mountain, but when I look back I always see the grace that got me through! One day at a time. And we hope you will join us on this journey....
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