This may be a question you are asking yourself as we head into week two of the fast. For me, fasting is so difficult because food is always on my mind. You can ask the people I work with and they will tell you as I finish breakfast I ask them what they want to eat for lunch. I LOVE to eat!! So, to do without, even for such a short time is difficult. Also I believe God calls us to fast from food since it is such a huge part of our day and this doing without reminds us to focus on him. God does take note of your sacrifice and will honor your fast no matter how long or how short the duration. For my fast, the Lord laid it on my heart to do a complete liquid fast from sunup to sundown. It has been somewhat difficult especially at lunch when everyone is eating food and I am sipping on tomato soup. By the way, I am not complaining, just giving an example. I tell you this to hopefully inspire you with this thought: Greater the sacrifice is greater the reward. I have to keep reminding myself of this thought throughout the day because if me doing without food for 12 or so hours helps one of my family members get saved then the sacrifice is well worth it. If you keep this thought process then fasting will be much easier.

According to Jentezen Franklin in his book "Fasting", Fasting stirs a hunger in your spirit that goes deeper than the temporary hunger you experience in your flesh. When you hunger for God, he will fill you. Jesus went through cities where He could do no miracles- because there was no hunger.

If you are hungry to see God work in your life then continue to fast. It might be difficult, but focus on honoring God and pleasing him with your sacrifice. I promise you he won't let you down.
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