Hey everybody, sorry for the late notice, but tomorrow Friday Sept 17th is the day we are fasting as a band. Please join us. If you have never fasted, it is an amazing experience. When you are hungry and replace your food with prayer, there is a closeness from God like you have never experienced before. Jesus tells us in the book of Mark that we should be fasting just as we give and pray. Maybe tomorrow you will begin your new lifestyle that includes fasting and praying. I promises you, you will never regret it. Start with a short fast of one meal or just eat fruit for a day. For you seasoned fasters, I challenge you to ask God what you should do. Maybe a full day with just water or a week or 21 days of a Daniel fast. Whatever you choose to do, be determined to bless God with your sacrifice and He will honor it. (When we do our annual 21 day Daniel fast in January, I promise to spend a lot of time sharing some studies on fasting and how it relates to today. God set me on fire about it a few years ago and it has changed my life. But for now, just trust me, its a valuable tool to learn to do. ) We ask that you lift up echoing angels and their single/album while you fast. We want God to be the focus because if we loose sight of that, this album means nothing! He is the reason EA exists and all the glory is returned to Him. Maybe God will give you a word for us that you can share after tomorrow. Personally, I am excited to see what God says tomorrow. He always reveals himself during a fast. That's what makes it an awesome experience!
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