Jon finally made it home last night after 2 weeks of being on the road. He has our one and only computer, so that is why you haven't heard from me in a while. Anyway, I am so glad he is home. While these past two weeks have allowed me to spend some quality time with my boys before I go back to work on Monday, they were also a little stressful. Journey- my 7 week old- has had some tummy issues for several weeks now. We tried everything to get him settled. We switched his formula three times, took him to the doctor, tried two different medications and mylicon drops and nothing seemed to work. I thought I was going to die!!! I had a break down one Sunday as I was getting ready to go to church. I got up three hours early to begin getting ready. I fed Journey, straightened up the house a bit, got their bags ready, and got a shower myself. After I had fed Journey, he just started screaming and would not stop. I tried to burp him again, rock him to sleep, feed him a little more, anything I could think of to make him feel better. Nothing worked. I felt so defeated and was frustrated because he had thrown up all over me and over himself- we were both dressed to go to church- I just sat down and sobbed. I was beginning to also get really frustrated that no one was there to help me. I absolutely could not get out of the door. I desperately wanted/needed to go to church. I feel like I can not get through the next week without my spiritual refilling, so I finally broke down and called my mom to come and help me.

I had to just let him cry because by this point she was coming to get him and Jayce, and I had to get myself together to get to church. I am so thankful I was able to go because when I left I felt so refreshed. I had a sweet friend pray with me and had many, many people tell me they had been thinking of me and praying for me because they knew Jon was away.

Journey ended up staying the day and the night with my mom and literally came back a different child!! She has raised 5 children and has 11 grandchildren, so she has a little more experience than me and she knew just what to do. Apparently, I was the cause of his tummy issues. Every time he would cry, I assumed he was hungry so I fed him. Come to find out I was overfeeding him. In one day she got him on a more manageable schedule. Now we are only feeding him every three hours and only four ounces- no more, no less and it works! I have not touched any medication in over a week!!!

I am so thankful Journey got "fixed" before Jon came home. We can both now enjoy him.
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