Last nights signing of the papers was a complete waste of time. We have regressed in the progress. In September, we were told that the 2 neighbors that were ignoring the city about annexation would be forced into it because we had over a 60% majority and they have been holding up the process for the other 8 of us. Last night, they told us they were still trying to contact them. When I asked why they weren't being made to sign the papers, they said they weren't going to force anyone to do so. When I questioned him about what he said previously, he said I was mistaken and misunderstood him. I got really angry and said that I was extremely frustrated, that we were no further now than 9 months ago and that we didnt have unlimited time. "its pouring down rain outside which means I can't give my children a bath tonight." Of course he reassured me that they were working on it, just like he has every other time. Now that he has lied to my face, I no longer trust him. So what happens now if the last two properties refuse? I don't know. Plus the papers we signed last night weren't anything official at all. Just something saying we were interested in annexation. I left infuriated! But our hands are tied. There is nothing we can do but wait. And pray.
1 Response
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