While it was a fantastic weekeend weather wise, I was feeling a little under the weather and by today I feel horrible. Journey and Jayce have both been a little congested, so I am sure that is where I picked up the germ. I started getting stuffy Friday night. Saturday I slept about 5 hours during the day and told Jon that I could not understand why I was so tired. Yesterday, we had a birthday party to attend. I went but didn't feel great. I didn't sleep at all last night, but since I am so limited on the days I can take off, I went ahead and went into work. I had the school nurse take my temp and sure enough I am running a fever. I am going to the doctor after work to see if it is just a terrible cold or if it could possible be the flu. I sure hope it is just a cold. I can not afford to be out of work one more day.
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