Well, it appears that multiple members of the band are having a rough time right now. Nikki and JP have the stomach bug. I have pneumonia! Yep, walking pneumonia. No wonder I have felt like crap! I have called out of work these past 2 days, after being off since last wednesday. I am on round two of antibiotics, something stronger this time. Fortunately, I shouldn't have been contagious around all my family because I was already on a weeks worth of medicine and a steroid! I plan to go to work tomorrow. I have run out of PTO, time off. I am to have the week off of New Years so that we can go back up to Virginia along with the band. I am either going to have to make up this time or borrow it from next years sick bank. Yikes. But I have to do what I have to do. I am finally sleeping at night without drowning in my own fluid, so I feel better just because I am getting rest. I am not sure how I will feel tomorrow after a 10 hour day, but I'm going to try and make it the whole day. The worst part of this whole sickness is that I have not been able to taste anything for a week! I have no idea how wonderful thanksgiving dinner was! It is getting really old. I don't even want to eat because it is so unsatisfying. I hope it will return when the snot is gone and I am through with the antibiotics. All I know is I am SOOO very tired of coughing. My abs hurt, wish it was giving me a six pack and then I wouldn't mind. Ha! What luck that would be. And the weather.....ug the weather, it is not helping me get better. Cold, dreary and rainy! Well, I have rambled enough.
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