I hope that you had an amazing Thanksgiving and were able to spend it with your family and friends. Josh and I went to my parents house and his parents came over as well. We're lucky enough that our family is small enough to do that and more thankful that our parents like to spend time with each other. My mom made enough food for an army and it was yummy as usual! We had a great time eating. Then we watched the video from our ultra sound last week. What an amazing thing it was to see our little girl up on the tv screen. Just made us all more excited to meet this little miracle. Josh and I were talking about how this Thanksgiving is so much different than last year. Last year we had just gone through our first miscarriage and were so sad. And this year, we are just thrilled about our upcoming baby. I will say that I did shed some tears thinking about our angel babies. But, knowing that they are in heaven and that we will get to meet them one day is so comforting. Anyway, after the video the guys watched some football and us girls played Scrabble.

Today, my Momma and I did our usual Black Friday Shopping day. With the exception of one thing...we didn't get up at the crack of dawn. I told Josh I know I'm pregnant because that's unusual. But, it was nice to sleep in for a change. I had a goal today to try and get as much Christmas shopping and shopping for things I need for the hospital done and checked off of my list. I just wanted to make sure that we weren't scrambling around a few weeks down the road in case Lacey decided to come early. And for the most part, I did pretty well. I only have a couple of gifts left to get. But, I knocked of a HUGE part of the list so I was very pleased. It was different shopping this year though because I was in quite a bit of pain and wasn't able to move as quickly as I usually do. We had to take a couple of breaks and actually went home to eat lunch for a little bit before we headed back out. But, I was determined to get this list knocked down and I feel I've accomplished a lot. So now I am at home and relaxing. I'm about to wrap the gifts up that I bought today. That always makes me happy.

Another thing that makes me happy is decorating for Christmas. And that is what Josh and I plan on doing tomorrow. I'm soooo looking forward to that. This is just my most favorite time of the year. Josh always laughs at me because I LOVE that Hershey Kiss commercial where the chocolates are bells and they are playing the song We Wish You a Merry Christmas and at the end the last chocolate goes "whew". It just always puts a smile on my face. Anyway, I am very much looking forward to decorating tomorrow.

Sunday Josh is playing at Mount Paran Church. I used to go to this church for a long time and about 2 months ago started going back to Mount Paran. It's such an amazing church and is so awesome to see so many old friends there. It feels like home again. So, it's exciting to see Josh starting to get involved with the band. I just love it!

On the Lacey front, we went to the doctor this past week and everything is looking good. Lacey is still measuring about a week big. It's hard to believe her due date is in 5 weeks. Aghhhh....I cannot wait to meet her!!!
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