Today is the last official day of my Spring Break. It has been such a relaxing time. I am so thankful Jon was home this week. We got to spend some quality time together. We worked around our house, started working on our taxes (nothing like doing it at the last minute), and played with the boys. When I go back to work Monday, I will be working an extra hour a day for the next 12 days. Back in the winter, not sure if it was Dec or Jan, we had a terrible snow storm and our school was closed for a week. So, the 12 hours is part of having to make up that time. After this 12 day period then I only have like a month left of work and I can not wait. I absolutely love what I do, but I also can't wait to have a lot more time at home with the boys, and Jon when he is home. We don't have any real plans right now for the summer. With what the guys do it is hard to plan a vacation, but we are going to try and squeeze in some time at the beach. We will see. Either way I will just be thankful for some more time off.
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