The last couple days in our house have been a real treat! Not! The stomach bug roared its angry head. It started last Tuesday with Eliza. Poor girl! She had it for 4 solid days. I was starting to get really worried that it was something other than a stomach virus because no one else had it and it was the worst thing I have ever seen. She is tiny anyway, and I am sure she lost a few a pounds. But the worry was over Thursday when James and I got it. I had to call in sick to work Friday which I have not done in about 3 years, because in my profession, its just something you don't do. But I had no choice. And of course, Trey was out of town, so I didn't have any help. Mine is mostly over now, but James is still going strong. He looks better this morning as compared to last night, he looked like death. But he just ate a banana and the bucket is in his lap. I have done more laundry the last 5 days than I have ever done. Just when I finish cleaning up one mess, there is another. Every sheet and towel in this house has been washed 4 times over. And we have watched every Scooby Doo episode that exists. I am ready to be done with this. I have to go to work tomorrow, so I hope my symptoms disappear today and I really pray that James begins feeling better. I am going to try to clean a little this morning while I feel good, the house is a wreck. So far Trey has not gotten it. And I hope he doesn't since he has to be Mr. Mom this week.
I had BIG plans this week. I was going to work on potty training little girl and getting rid of the night time pacifier. Both efforts were halted with the stomach flu entrance. And once again, I am missing out on going to the church at Callaway Gardens that EA plays at quite often. I am the only one who hasn't been and they are having a dinner for them today. I guess its just par for the course right now. I don't get to be involved because I have to work so much. I pray that will change soon. Ok, I have to get back to the pile of laundry.
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