“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29

Several years ago when I was pregnant with my son James, I received so many things at the baby shower that were lambs. Lambs on cards, stuffed animals, blankets, etc. I thought it was interesting but didn't make anymore about it until a lady at my church who couldn't be at the shower gave me a gift the following Sunday. It was a Willow Tree figurine with a mother holding a baby lamb. My pregnancy had been a difficult one to say the least and in the moment of getting that figure out of the box and placing it in the nursery, God spoke to me. "I am your Lamb." I knew Christ was the lamb of God, the sacrifice that was made just for me, but in that moment, I realized He meant he was my comforter and my faithful companion. It was true. He had given this child to me and He knew the price I would pay to carry him but He stood by me every step of the way.

The LORD Almighty will come down to do battle on Mount Zion and on its heights as a great lion over his prey
Isaiah 31:4

As the delivery drew closer, my anxiety became greater. I work in anesthesia. I know EVERY thing that can go wrong and I couldn't help but place myself in all those horrible situations. One morning driving to work I began to fret and God clearly spoke to me again. "I am your Lion too." My spirit was immediately lifted. The same God who is my closest comforter is also my fiercest protector, the One who will devour the opposition that tries to take me down. It would turn out, not a month later, that I would need His protector during a very scary delivery.

As Easter draws near, we hear these terms, "The Lion and the Lamb" quite often. Lately, I have to remind myself of each great facet of God. He is ALL things to me. It is easy to forget ALL of who He is when the flaming arrows have been launched at your soul. Oh Great God, the One who is small enough to hear every breath of my heart and the One who is strong enough to defend my life. You are more than enough for me.
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