This was my day:

James woke me up at 430 because thunder was rolling and we fell back to sleep together til 730 when I heard Eliza crying. I went in and she had thrown up in the bed. Gave her her medicine, pulled her sheets off, and realized her laundry basket was full. Took all the laundry down stairs, threw it in the wash. Went to the fridge, it was hot! Everything in the fridge and freezer was hot. Great. Took everything that wasn't thawed out into the basement freezer. Got kids breakfast, into the car, registered James for Kindergarten, stopped on way home to get ice. Needed gas too while I was there. Got home, put Eliza down for a nap. Put everything that hadn't gone bad into a cooler. Threw away tons of stuff. Realized fridge needs to be cleaned now that it's empty. Oh yeah, laundry. Realized there were clothes in the dryer from last week! Folded those, put clothes in dryer, started new load. Realized liter box was full. Cleaned that. Saw they needed food. Went back to clean freezer out. Noticed vanilla ice cream had melted on the floor. Cleaned it up, noticed the rest of the floor needed cleaning. Vacuumed and then mopped kitchen floor. Went back to get clothes from dryer and couldn't find the laundry basket. Found it upstairs with clean unfolded clothes in it. Folded those, put those away. Went back to get clothes out of dryer. Eliza was crying. She had thrown up in her bed....Ground hog day? Striped her bed again, went to laundry room.....realized she had puke in her hair. Gave kids a bath. Got them in their jammies, cooked dinner, cleaned up, sat down and watched one cartoon with the kids. And then put Eliza to bed. Had a conference call at work. And now watching Yogi Bear with one really patient little boy!
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